How much does all this cost?

For everything included, count at least the following fees:

- ECFMG application fee $125

- Step 1 $910 + $150 if you take the test outside the US / Canada

- Step 2 CK $910 + $150 if you take the test outside the US / Canada

- Step 2 CS $1565 + Airfare and Hotel Fee - The 5 existing test centers for now are located in Philadelphia, Chicago, Houston, Atlanta, LA

- Translation fees for your transcripts and diploma. I used rushtranslate on internet who offers fast translations (24-48h), that are accepted by the ECFMG, and cost $25 / page

- ERAS token $120

- Application fee for each program (to send your file via ERAS): $100 for the first 10, then  $14 / program for the 11-20th, then $18 for the 21-30th, and $31/program after the 31st

- Application fee for the J1 visa $325

- Cost of SEVIS $180

- Visa fees 136€ in France

- Resources to study: First aid book $50, UWorld ~ $300 x2, Micro Sketchy $100, Pathoma $85 for 3 months of access to videos plus a book

Plus everything I forget! It's expensive, but worth it. Your pay once in America will quickly compensate!


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